[Wake up to live and die creating]

Aura Merz: Channeler of worlds

I was born in Chile,
nestled in the knots of the earth,
bathed by the cerulean metal of the ocean.

Since I was a child
I wanted to fly,
and to achieve it,
I had to crawl
through the shadowy
and narrow
tunnels of the soul;
fade away, to originate myself;
fragment, to build myself.

I use art as an expressive language,
as a duty of my existence.
My talent emanates from the desire,
from the unbreakable desire to fly.

[I want to soak up worlds,
of new winds,
so that my wings may sprout]


Welcome to AURA by Aura Merz!

In AURA, Art in Motion, you’ll discover unique collections of clothing, shoes, and accessories. Each piece of wearable art is crafted by Aura Merz, offering an exquisite fusion of art and poetry.


AURA is defined by connecting the language of the world (language of meanings) with the language of the soul (language of symbols), blending verses with a universe of colors.


In the intimate sanctuary of each of these creations, the sacred fire of existence ignites, urging you to reflect, find meaning, and transcendence in every step you take.


AURA is much more than a clothing store; it embodies an artistic philosophy where garments are transformed into mirrors that seek to awaken your true essence, encouraging you to embrace courageously and authentically who you are at the deepest level of your being.


I invite you to explore my collections and discover beautiful pieces that will nourish your soul.


Thank you for your support!

Aura Merz